A new MAIA-supported article has been published in the Ecosystem Services journal. The research has been conducted by a team of leading European experts, amongst whom is the MAIA project partner Fernando Santos-Martin (Rey Juan Carlos University).
Being titled “National blue carbon assessment in Spain using InVEST: Current state and future perspectives” the paper investigates the high-resolution spatial distribution studies of marine ecosystem services knowledge gaps, by applying the InVEST Blue Carbon model in five marine phanerogams in four marine demarcations in Spain.
The study findings show that 82% of carbon storage and sequestration by marine phanerogams is currently managed within Natura 2000 areas. However, results from the modeled future scenarios indicate a constant decrease in the amount of carbon stored in these ecosystems by 2050.
As a result of the conducted investigation, the researcher conclude that a transformative management change is needed to conserve marine phanerogams in Spain, and thus point out the importance of the Natura 2000 Network in managing marine ecosystems and their services in the near future.
Read the full article here.